Thursday 11 March 2021

Book Review: Monster: Volume One by Duncan Swan

Monstre: Volume One by Duncan Swan is a big book. Big in length and big in idea. Big in plot, big in characters and big in scope. I think you get the idea, this book is a monster, pun intended.

The book begins with an explosion at a nuclear research facility in Europe. We follow a group of scientists trying to explore the fallout from the explosion and running from the cloud of ash that follows and the things the cloud begins. 

We then jump between Europe and America going from day 0 and Europe dealing with the cloud and to around three months in as the cloud spreads towards America and from their the book splits into essentially two stories, a military action packed epic as they investigate the cloud and what lurks beneath it, and a survival story as a small group of people in America try to flee the oncoming cloud and find somewhere safe. 

Both stories are amazingly well done, full of great characters and scenarios that will leave you gripped and reading well into the night.

I was surprised to read that this is Duncan Swan’s debut work. The story is amazingly well written and ambitious and feels like the work of an established author. 

My one issue is that initially the time jump confused me and jolted me out of the story and it took a little while to get used to the back and forth, however once I did I found it an amazing technique that is well used.

I will warn everyone that the story ends both timelines on major cliffhanger's and with the next book out at the end of 2021 that can be frustrating. I for one can’t wait to see the story continue.